Rules and regulations

Click Here to get a PDF copy of the Kalbar Show Rules and Regulations listed below

Click Here to get a PDF copy of the Chamber of Agricultural Societies Rules 1 – 44

Acceptance of Entries

1. The attention of intending exhibitors is drawn to the fact that entries are accepted subject to the Rules of The Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies and to the Constitution and Rules of this Association, in addition to any Special Regulations which appear within this Schedule.

Stewards, Judges, Exhibitors & Competitors

2. The Kalbar Show Society adopts rules 1-44 of the Qld Chamber of Agricultural Societies in relation to Stewards, Judges, Exhibitors and Competitors. A copy of these rules are available from the Show Society Secretary and by clicking here.

General Regulations

3. The prizes will be awarded subject to appended General Regulations and conditions of competition.

4. The Show will take place on such days as the Committee may appoint. The committee reserve the right at any time to postpone the Show, or any event thereof, in consequences of the inclemency of the weather or from any other sufficient cause, to a date or dates deemed suitable by the Committee and no entrance fee shall be returnable in the event of such a postponement. The reasonableness of the cause or causes for postponement shall be decided by the Committee, and their decision shall be final, and not open to question by any exhibitor or other person affected by such postponement.

5. The Committee may abandon the Show and any event thereof through wet weather or for any other reason which may help make such a course advisable in their opinion. Should the Show or any event be abandoned or cancelled, exhibitors shall be entitled to a return of the entrance fee paid in such event or events as may be cancelled, but no cause or action, liability or obligation shall be maintained, or be incurred by the committee or by the Society by reason of such abandonment or cancellation.

6. Entries must be made in writing, and lodged with the Secretary at the office at such times as the Committee may direct. Forms will be supplied by the Secretary, and all information required in connection with exhibits must be given as correctly as possible. Entry forms must be signed by the Exhibitor (or authorised agent), and accompanied by the entry fee necessary.

7. Exhibits entered in the wrong class may be transferred to the proper class by the Stewards.

8. Judging of exhibits will commence at a time specified at heading of each section.

9. Parking – Controlled parking on showgrounds. All vehicles parking do so at their own risk.

10. Exhibits of stud cattle, horses, sheep and dogs for competing must at time of entry, state age, breed and breeder (if known).

11. An exhibitor (or their agent) who shall make a false report or give misleading information, or suppress necessary information respecting any exhibit shall be held to have forfeited any prize gained by those means. The exhibit and the exhibitor, together with the agent (if any) may be disqualified, and the matter reported to the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies.

12. The Grounds will be open for admission to the public at 8.00am on each day of the show.

13. The Association will not be responsible for any accident caused through or by any exhibit and will not under any circumstances hold itself responsible for any loss or miss-delivery of live stock or other exhibits of any kind or for any damage done thereto.

14. All exhibits must be delivered to and removed from the grounds at the cost and risk of the exhibitor.

15. Each exhibit shall be displayed at such place as the Stewards for the Section in which such exhibit is entered shall direct, and shall remain open for inspection during the hours that Show is open. Should any exhibit be removed from the Section before the time stated without the consent of the Steward or should any Exhibitor fail to place and exhibit his or her exhibit where directed by the Stewards, the prizes (if any) awarded for such exhibit shall be forfeited.

16. All persons exhibiting must accept the decision of the judges appointed by the Committee, and on all protests the decision of the Committee shall be final without appeal; providing that any exhibitor shall have the right of appealing against disqualification imposed as provided for in the Constitution of the Chamber of Agricultural Societies. Any person or persons interfering with a judge, or who shall be guilty of unseemly conduct to a judge or steward or official of the Society, or any exhibitors refusing in any way to carry out the instructions of a steward, shall be liable at the discretion of the Committee to a penalty not exceeding $10 together with his or their exhibits, or otherwise may be disqualified from exhibiting from any period, or may be expelled from the ground.

17. All exhibits to be the bona fide property or the work of, or grown by exhibitor. Nothing to indicate ownership of any exhibit will be permitted (usual brands on live stock excepted).

18. Any person objecting to an award or to any exhibit may enter a protest in writing, fully setting out the grounds for such objection and lodge it with the Secretary within half an hour of the Judges Award, and no protest shall be subsequently received unless the Committee be satisfied with the reason assigned for the delay. Protests must be accompanied by a deposit of a $25 non refundable fee. Entries are received for prizes offered by the Society on the express condition that the decision of the Committee on all objections, disputes and protests shall be accepted as final, and that the exhibitor agrees to observe and be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Society.

19. All prizes awarded at the Show shall be payable as soon as possible except in cases where protests are entered. All prizes not applied for within three months after the Show shall be forfeited to the Association.

20. The judges may recommend a Certificate for any exhibitor not included in the Schedule and will not award prizes in classes in which the exhibits are not considered to possess sufficient merit.

21. The Judges shall have power to disqualify and mark as disqualified any exhibit which in their opinion does not comply with the regulations, and shall enter the reason in their book. In the event of any protest or disqualification being upheld, the next award in order takes the prize

22. No decorations or award cards, except such as are supplied by the Committee, shall be placed on any exhibit.

23. No person, except those actually in charge of stock, will be permitted to remain in the judging ring during the adjudication under any pretense whatever, and they must on no account leave their respective lots unless authorised by the Stewards.

24. The attention of the exhibitor is specially drawn to the foregoing Regulations. Any disregard of same will render the exhibitor liable to disqualification.

25. A Grand Parade shall be held on a day of which due notice will be given by advertisement or otherwise, in which all leadable Live Stock exhibited at the Show must take part. Any Live Stock exhibited not taking part in the parade on each day shall forfeit any prize money won, and the owner be subject to a fine. Exhibitors of cattle and horses taking part in the Grand Parade must be ready to enter the ring at 1.45 pm, sharp.

All children 11 years & under participating in the Grand Parade must be accompanied by an adult.

26. No exhibitor of Live Stock shall be permitted to use any part of the ground other than that allotted to them by the Stewards.

27. Photographers operating within the ground shall be charged $4 but permits free of charge may be issued to Press and other legitimate photographers.

28. All Commercial Space to be paid for by the first day of Show.

29. Any exhibit/entries that are not collected by 7 days after the end of the show will become the property of the Kalbar Show Society.

30. All Entry Fees are G.S.T. inclusive.

31. All Prize money less than $50.00 is G.S.T. free. All Prizes over $50.00 will be paid by cheque. G.S.T. will be added to Prize Money over $50.00 for Competitors who are registered for G.S.T. purposes. Exhibitors are required to supply their A.B.N. and/or sign a Declaration Form.

Workplace Health & Safety

1. Public Liability Insurance: All exhibitors, space holders & entertainers are responsible for their own public liability insurance. While the Show Society and its Members take every care to ensure the safety of Patrons, they will not be held liable for any damage caused by the negligence or property of exhibitors, space holders or entertainers.

2. Electrical Equipment: Any exhibitors/space holders intending to bring electrical equipment and/or gas bottles to the Showgrounds will be required to ensure that such equipment is fitted with earth leakage circuit breakers and that all electrical leads, tools and appliances have been inspected and tagged by a licensed electrical contractor or gas fitter.

3. Health and Safety Act of 1989: This is essential for the safety of all exhibitors and the general public and is a requirement of the Workplace health and safety act 1989. The Act imposes very severe penalties in the event of non-compliance with its provisions. Any exhibitors or space holders who do not comply will not be allowed on the Kalbar Showgrounds. Exhibitors should check all electrical equipment and/or gas bottles to avoid the occurrence of any difficulties.

3. Leaders of Cattle: Exhibitors allowing minors to lead cattle in the Grand Parade do so at their own risk and accept full responsibility for any incident which may occur. The Kalbar Show society or any of its Members will not be held liable for any damage or injury which may occur through any such incident.

Click Here to get a PDF copy of the Kalbar Show Rules and Regulations listed above

Click Here to get a PDF copy of the Chamber of Agricultural Societies Rules 1 – 44

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